Defending Mount vs. Push on Hips

In the previous video, I showed you the most important and often overlooked details for your initial positioning when in Mount top.

The next step is making sure that you can maintain the position.

I highly recommend that you not only put in time defending against “technical” Jiu-Jitsu escapes that a skilled practitioner will give you, but also against “unconventional” escapes that would be likely against a much bigger, stronger opponent who might not know Jiu-Jitsu but might be able to spazz, explode, and push you off mount.

In this video, I show you the defense to one of the least commonly addressed mount escapes, the frame on your hips. There are a number of variations of this one, but they all involve your partner creating a frame on the hips. Note the detail of how you use your elbow here. Even people who know the other components are often missing that piece, and it will make the defense much more effective:

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